Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The Circle of Liars. I was invited to see this improv last night. One of the actors is a casual friend and fellow painter online so this was a blast of reality. I not only got to learn his REAL name, but I had the unbelievable opportunity to enter into his REAL world..Incroyable!!!! Friends from my french class were busy so I was forced to go alone. I walked several very seedy blocks and was getting ready to hop back on the metro. I had forgotten my cel phone and thought oooh non..this is the end of my trip!!!

I got there..my comp tickets were miraculously there and I entered the theatre in the crush of the crowd. There I sat, surrounded by enthusiastic theatre goers..the buzz of french was all around me and I smiled to myself. The internet is very cool. I may be sitting here alone but I know someone who will soon be on stage!

The lights go out except for a single flame on the stage..the 'fire of imagination'. It begins. The man who steps forward from the comedy troup looks familiar. In fact I realize its Christian..the Mark of the internet. lol The show is like saturday night live./Drew Carey, but very classy.

A random word is pulled from a giant bowl. Someone from the audience volunteers. The five comedians/actors then do 10 seconds on the word..like an idea for a story. The audience member then pics which interpretation she/he liked..and voila, the skit begins!!!