Wednesday, April 20, 2005

We had a great time we had!!!! Here are my classmates, mes camarades! These are the mignons de Madame Mim! We finally decided to teach ourselves a bit and spent four silly hours mangling the french language! We all speak english fluently, specially the 2 americans (inc. me) and the one brit. The others, german, austrian, and swede. Crumbs were flying as we shared a typical french meal in our own way. It was such fun. We began with baguettes and cream chees and salmon with peach juice, tea, and expresso, then progressed to pasta and salad, with wine which unbelievably was named BELLEVUE, the name of the street i live on! Beautiful View. We finished with the favorite pudding in french families, Danette and also some crepes with Nutella. Miam!