Monday, April 18, 2005

She's got a lot of anger and she WILL use it on YOU!!!

Okay..I don't even know where to begin. I'm trying to figure out how to write this without using curse words. Okay so lets plan. Every time I say, can think that OTHER word because I am!!! And when I write 'uncool' person, you think of the worse thing you could call someone. Now if that's settled I can start.

Last night, my very good friend Philippe invited me to his house for dinner with friends. Now the last time he attempted this I ended up in tears, so we dont have a good track record. On our own, Philippe and I can pass the evening laughing and talking about anything. But geeee..not so true when it comes to these dinner parties. So this couple joins us for dinner. And I'm already wondering about this guy. He is IRRITATING. But hey, I'm cool with it; I pass the time chatting with his girlfriend who is very nice. As the dinner progresses and I can see that this uncool person is the classic know-it-all. He can yak on anything...origin of champagne..where the best cheese is from..the truth about americans..oh my gawd. So then he started launching in on who did you vote for..etc. And by the way all this was in french and dude I understooooood just about was cool. But when he went after me, I let him HAVE IT. lol I can't explain but it was gooooooood. He was fuming; I left the dinner victorious.

I left, but I still had to find the metro station. At night, its dark and all the streets start looking alike. I took the wrong street and as I was walking, these guys slowed down and started talking..and the HATER in me was RISING up!!! Crap, that's right guys, I'm walking alone on a the street and I really wanna get picked up by YOU. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I continued down the road without talking. This had better have a happy ending! Where is the metro!!!

It's great that I can ask directions and actually understand what people are saying. I find the metro and just barely get the last train to Boulogne, my quarter. The trains stop running at 1am. I lived almost an hour away on the metro. Since it was night time, there are less trains. Everyone was running up and down stairs knowing that the last train might be getting ready to leave. I had 3 different trains to catch and thankfully I made it!

The day went well but then this afternoon, the cloudless blue skies demanded that I go for a walk in the city. I wandered, took zillions of pics, went to mass at the Notre Dame (a tiny nap during the 40 min sermon) and then headed for home. First one guy called out to me, he was just at the stairs that go down to the river. He actually asked I wanted to go for a walk with him down there!!!! Geeez. Of course everyone is speaking french, but since I'm asian they are not sure what I speak. Because of this I have the option of understanding them and remaining mute while they fumble throught their list of languages..BELIEVE ME..some are very determined. But at this point I am really getting psssssd.

Okay so he is calling out to me as I am racing through the Sunday crowd. Zip, zip, zip. I hear a voice next to me. I'm thinking, there is no way that guy is here...I turn. Its a different man. Ooooooooohhhhhh. I am enraged. So I give him a good look full of grrrrrrrrrr and I take off. I'm zipping again and down into the metro station I slip like Alice in wonderland. I am about to go down the black hole when I hear, "so you speak english, japonaise, flemishe....etc" this is why one says AD NAUSEUM. I realize that I can't go forward without have things VERY UNCOOL person following me on the train. So I literally stand there and wait. I have said nothing other than pointing to my ring. Now I'm standing with my arms crossed..I am psssssd, this jerk had better start walking! So we are fact to face..he finds my behavior curious. I am GLARING AT HIM. She's got a lot of anger and she WILL use it on YOU. So he keeps talking. Is this guy really that dumb? I mean he is dressed nicely, he is not a lunatic, or maybe he is! So I stand there and glare. I look around for the Police. People are walking all around us. I FUME. He tries again..and slowly realizes that this is no chick he is dealing with..I am glaring without a word. I refuse to let him know what language I speak. Finally he gives up and leaves the station. I go home. The lesson to be learned? she's got a lot of anger and she WILL use it on YOU.