Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Devil in the Details

C'est une petite histoire. What you see is me sitting on a nice chair. What I see is me as mayor of Paris. No, I'm not running for political office. But if you knew my heart, you would know that I am true to one thing. I love this city,like my own. The pooh on the street, the pee in the metro, the bustling, the shoving, the lines, le metro,les jardins secrets, les endroits decouverts, la cuisine, l'eau, les gens, la langue, I love it all.

There is a man who loves this city the way I do. His name is Bertrand Delanoe. He is the Mayor of Paris. He has a vision for this city because he loves it. I remember being here in 2002 and marveling at all the free exhibitions and events held to promote this city. "Who is behind this???" I would ask myself. I lived right next to l'Hotel de Ville and like all newcomers, thought it was some kind of 'hotel'. I was soon corrected. Its the seat of the Mayor of Paris! This is the heart of the city's government.

In fact governement or not I just loved the building. I had rented an apartment just 50 paces away and had to walk past it to get to my metro stop. Each morning I would gaze at this building. I will be in there one day, I would tell myself. I love this building.

Later, I was corrected again. "Leona, it is a private building, closed to the public." Ah, the people of Paris are so accepting. Passion somehow finds a way. I am a sprig of grass willing to crack the pavement to see the sun.

Nuit Blanche happened for the first time that year. It was Mayor Delanoe who had the vision to have this wonderful celebration. The world was invited to celebrate the wonder of Paris. All night long the great monuments and museums were open and free to the public. Its crazy what love will make you do! The city stayed awake till 6am to keep her doors open. I stood with thousands in the huge square in front of Hotel de Ville waiting for my dream to come true.

That night I did enter. I saw the majesty of the place. I breathed it in. Yes. You see? it worked. I wanted it so badly and somehow it happened.

Later that night, Delanoe was stabbed. It was a horrible incident. He had opened the doors of the city and he was attacked. Nevertheless, his vision remains unchanged. Nuit Blanche continues to be a wonderful event each year in Paris.

A year later Delanoe, not to be outdone by coastal cities, decided to create la plage a Paris, a beach along the Seine River. Yes, with sand and umbrellas and people sunning themselves. Come in a month and you will see it!

Who is this man? It's now 2005 and everywhere in Paris you will see banners: Paris 2012. Delanoe and Paris bidding for the Olympics!!! You will see in my later pictures that in the posters, the 's' of Paris and the first '2' of 2012 are designed together as a heart. I could have designed it myself!!!

Now if this blog is going on for too long. Quit now. Because the rest is just more ranting on my love for this city.

Its clear that I'm a passionate person. But never in my life have I had such drive to be a part of something. In 2001, I arrived for the first time for 4 days. In 2002, equipped with 5 silly months of self taught french I stayed for 2 months. And now as Paris is bidding for the Olympics, I am bidding for my part in it. If Delanoe can dream, why can't I? Like him, I love this city, I want to walk her streets and celebrate her beauty. I want to promote her. I want to be a part of the people who lift her up. Is that too much to ask?

My three month stay here has already exceeded the boundries of decency. I know that. But I am asking for more. I tell people I have a new goal. I want to live in Paris by the time the Olympics arrive.

What? Will Paris win the Olympic bid? Yes, of course! I am willing to believe it. And you will live here? Yes, why not? Perhaps anywhere else I would appear to be a silly american with a pipe dream. But for the french, this attitude is perfect.

I met a parisien two weeks ago at a soiree. At some point in our discussion (just a few minutes in fact) she assessed me perfectly. "Have you visited l'Hotel de Ville?" she asked me. I babbled on about my nuit blanche experience. Then she explained that she worked for the city and could, if I wanted, take me on a private visit. You can guess my response.

The picture above tells a very interesting story. In a beautiful hallway lined with identical chairs, all are the same except for one. And that one chair in particular is reserved for the mayor. In fact, every mayor of Paris, has sat on it.

Can you see the difference? At the time,they seemed identical. I was encouraged to look closer. Still I saw no difference.

Then I was asked, "Would you like to sit there?" This was a moment for me. It reminded me of the time I tested the theory of stopping an elevator by jumping up and down in it. And now I know the theory is true, especially in the elevator in the capitol building in Honolulu!

"Yes!" I sat down. I am here at Hotel de Ville. I am on a private tour. I am sitting on the seat of the mayor of Paris. "Do you have camera?" I am asked. Yes, yes!!!!

So there you have it. The pictures above appear about the same, but there is a subtle difference in the chairs. Can you see it? I am an american, I am parisien, I am a visitor, I am a resident, I am council to the mayor, I am the mayor. The devil is in the details.