Saturday, May 07, 2005

A Sleepover in Taverny

Meet Max, mon professeur. Max is 22 and pretty much one of the best french teachers around. Another one of my friends on yahoo (he hates having his picture taken). He is young and bright and quite fluent in english, loves french grammar and is the most patient person I know. He refuses to speak english with me and corrects my every fault. He is not actually a teacher. He works with computers. His father is a nose for Hermes. He lives in a house over a hundred years old. But most of all, he is my wonderfully patient teacher. Thanks Max!

He invited me pour se balader dans le foret de Taverny. This is an invitation for a walk, a common activity here in paris...its like going to the movies or to the mall. But the real adventure is getting there. Taverny is a little town just outside of paris. There are many modern suburbs just outside the city, but Taverny is a old village with narrow cobbled roads and little taverns and restaurants. Its forest is just next to the homes and begins behind the church cemetary. But first I must find the train to Taverny.

I arrived at la gare du nord where trains depart for all the cities in France and in fact Europe. There are three main train lines, sncf, rer, and transilien. The latter is a type of RER but for local towns. At the train station, even locals get lost. There are trains going everywhere, in addition to the metro and local traffic, people are traveling to other cities and other countries. You do not want to get on the wrong train!

For those of you who have not ridden the trains of france, you might assume that this really isnt a problem. No ticket, no ride! No, not really! In fact you can get on any train. The problem only arises if you get checked for a ticket!!! Sometimes you can ride a train all the way to Nice and never get checked! So that means anyone can board the trains which will then leave promptly to the minute. If you are one the wrong train, you will discover it LATER!!!

Okay, so first I had to find the correct line of trains..RER, SNCF, TRANSILIAN..they are all together..there are ticket stations, electronic ticket booths and me. The station is huge. And I am thinking this is a very bad idea. Leona, what are you doing? You are sooooo lost! Your french really sucks and you are such a chicken.

I finally spot the transilian sign. I try the electronic ticket machine cuz I dont really want to stand in the monster lines and explain where I am trying to go. Taverny is difficult to find on a map. Its not a destination point and I don't even know how to pronounce it. Ouf!

It's also difficult to find out WHICH particular train goes to Taverny because its just a stop on the way to somewhere else and there are plenty of trains going to the same final destination but through different villages. THIS is REALLY tough!!!!!

I buy my ticket at 50% discount. Why? Why not?!! I was given a it at 100% or 50%..wouldnt you chose the discount? lol

I have my one way discounted ticket and now I have to find the train. THAT one leaves in 1 minute! I jump on. I ask this guy..Excusez moi, mais, ce train va a Taverny?..He replies..quoi? desole, je ne comprends ne sais pas bien ces trains..peut-etre vous pouvez demander quelqu'un d'autre la bas.

Oh non..I have one minute to decide. I run around a bit then jump off. Oh non! I run around a bit more then find some official train employees. Like all the french, they are casually chatting oblivous to the fact that they are at work! ahh, Excusez moi mais je cherche le train qui va a Taverny? Pourriez-vous m'aider? Je suis un peu perdue!!! Ahh, he replies..vous cherchez ne suis pas sur...he walks about, unconcerned..ah c'est la, voila. Then I ask, mais il va partir a quelle heure? ..bientot, he replies.

This is not very reasurring. There is NOTHING on the sign that says Taverny. ouff..I can picture myself spending the weekend on trains going wh