Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Les Animaux Savage a Boulogne

A MAGICAL DAY in the parc de Boulogne. Ramin was leaving in a couple days so it was a good time to visit the parc about 15 minutes away from my apt. I had already visited it with Marcella so I was ready to take pictures of the endless shades of green. But I wasn't prepared for all the little surprises that were waiting to spring themselves on us.

When we got to the park I saw a cat in the distance. I couldnt believe my eyes when it started bounding towards us!!! It greeted both Ramin and I as if to welcome us to HER park and then she laid down in the sun , oblivious to the fact that she was a cat and her owner was at least 50 paces away. Curious!

The weather was delicious and we made friends with the friendliest of trees. There was the yellow/green one which seemed to have butterflies clinging to her trunk. And the tallest green one with the long arms (Ramin climbed that one) , and the elegant one that seemed content to stretch her arms out much wider than she was tall. We felt pretty lucky and then Ramin spotted a bunny hopping around..what!!!

After that he spotted a turtle on a rock in the water next to the wood that looked like a dinosaur! Nature was everywhere!!!! We got pretty excited about that until we saw the badger like animal with all the ducks and pigeons in the water. Well we THOUGHT it was a badger. It was big and hairy,lived in the water and ate with two hands but eeeek with a skinny tail . Ahh, a nice fat, french water rat who likes baguettes! But why was he holding it so high in the air while he ate? We watched, facinated as a lady was doling out baguettes to the wild life. There seemed to be more than ducks and pigeons vying for the bread morcels. All of a sudden Ramin was pointing and yelling..hey did you see that?? no, over there THAT..wow..yeah.!!

The leaps and swirls were getting closer to Monsieur Rat! We could see then that bread in the water was fair game for these monster fish who would slap the water with the sides of their bodies as they leaped for bread!!!

Fais attention! Il y a des animaux savages a Boulogne!!!