Monday, May 09, 2005

Euro Disney Here We Come!!!

DISNEYLAND!!!!! I had wanted to go. Everyone I know in Paris is just too french to go to Disneyland or too poor to pay. I went online and tried to figure out the logistics before starting to beg someone to go. 40 euro to enter (52 dollars) and 12 euro for the train and yeah, thats it, NOBODY can go at those prices!!! How about free? Would you go for free????

I really thought it would be cool to go to a 'french' disneyland but the chances looked pretty impossible. Then I met Jenny. She is from germany and a friend of Inka's. She came over to my apt for dinner one night and I mentioned how I would love to go to D-land..hint hint. To my surprise she said yes! I would love to go!

What? a poor student from germany thinks she can afford this? Then she said the magic words. "And if we go, we can get in for free because I live with people who work there!!!?

WHHHAAAATTTT? yeah dude lets GO! So shortly after that she gave me a call and soon, Inka, Ramin, and I were like the happy winners of some kids dream vacation. As usual with france, just getting there can be the ADVENTURE!

Taking a train to Disneyland gave me the lesson I had been avoiding. Going to Taverny was crazy, but this time I wasn't alone. Inka has an internal antenna. While Ramin and I were still staring blindly at the destination board, Inka was quickly directing our traffice, "over there, no not that one, right direction , but then it doesnt go to our stop. Here, our train comes here!" What? How she deciferred all that from the snarl of names on that board, I'll never know. She gives you the impression she had done this before..nope, it was the first time.

Jenny' is the houseguest of musicians who have been performing in Disney's frontierland for about 10 years now. As we were waiting for Jenny at the station I heard a nice flow of words enter my ear. "So you are Jenny's friends! I saw the three of you looking a bit lost and knew you were the ones. Come on, I'm the one who will get you in!" Wow, that british accented english is sure easy on the ears :) We chatted a bit and in we were. Look at the pictures. We were soooo excited! We ran everywhere , rode Space Mountain 3 times in a row at first. We mourned the fact that the park would soon be closed at 8pm. We only had 7 hours to go!!! But just as telling, look at the last picture..ohhh we were exhausted and ended up leaving at 7pm, too tired to scurry about, but content that we had a beautiful day to spend at a wonderful park with the best of playmates.