Saturday, April 09, 2005

A droite ou a gauche?

Sometimes the best things are right in front of you. Or perhaps to the left? It's been a week since I have moved to Paris. And I'm leaving bread crumbed paths everywhere.

Each day has been rich. Some people come to Paris to shop, or visit monuments, or taste their way throught this beautiful city. Not me. No, I'm out there on the street with my big lavender wheeled FOOD CARRIER buying FOOD! I love grocery shopping in Paris. There are so many fun and new things to try! I'm curious; I want to try everything. And although I have had a few friends over for dinner, how much can a person eat? But that doesn't stop me. I buy food. I cook food. And if there is anyone around, I serve food. I had begun to feel a bit smug. I'm like any other local here with my groceries on wheels, right? No. Not quite. Just a couple days ago I found out that while always proceeding left to the grocery store, I had missed the fact that one of the best boulangeries (bakery) was right there on my street 25 steps away from my door! If only I had gone right! In fact, the bread there is not only incredible (and cheap..70 cents) but the tarts made there (also cheap) are the best I have eaten in my life! Take a lesson. If you are content to go left, you must on ocassion GO RIGHT..donc, a droit ou a gauche? Les deux, alors!

It's not necessary to recount my days blow by blow but perhaps its helpful to reflect. I'm here to learn and with the luxury of all things having changed, just keeping my eyes open is enough to fill my days with ponderings. I am a hibiscus in Paris. Where are all the creative thinkers in this city? Where are all the rebels? On the street everyone seems to follow an unwritten code that someone forgot to not write on my wall. Why is it that simply no one wears shoes that show their toes? Yes! That diffence alone will draw attention.
And where does it not say (in this unwritten code) that if its 55 degrees out, one does not wear a skirt!? Blue/red hair or a face brilliant with piercings, will not turn a head like a skirt and sandals when it is 55 degrees. The other day when I walking through Saint Michel, where the streets are filled with little restaurants, a man called out to me from the door of his restaurant ,"Tahiiiiitii! Taaahiiiiiti!" I couldn't help smiling to myself. I'm not a local here but I AM the local hibiscus.