Thursday, March 10, 2005

J'ai mal aux dents

That just means that I have a toothache.

My toothache has personality. An evil personality. It's tooth number 19, the second to the last tooth on the left side of my mouth. I think it has middle child syndrome. It wants a lot of attention has been very creative about getting it.

Christmas day dinner was difficult when #19 decided to throb. Two days later at the dentist office I was pain free. New Year's Eve was no fun. Guess who showed up. Two days later at the endodontist, again a no show. Then just to prove that it was politically correct, #19 reared its evil ugly head on the weekend of Martin Luther King Day. And for the third time (for me) and the second time for my endodontist, it really wasn't that sore 2 days later. But I had had it by then. I told him, do the root canal! Yeah, that evil genius, #19 got me to request a ROOT CANAL!

Evil, wicked, painful #19 continues to throb even after 4 visits to the endodontist. I'm on antibiotics now. In 19 days I will be on a plane.

I wonder... in 19 days will #19 be grounded?